If you prefer to play logic puzzles instead of word puzzles, take a look at our Puzzle Connoisseur's Club, where you can play ten different logic puzzles, including Sandwich Sudoku.
How to solve a Codeword Puzzle
Codewords are a lovely word puzzle that will require some logic combined with a good knowledge of the English language and vocabularly. This video is a walkthrough of how to solve a typical codeword puzzle with three clues, and you can try the puzzle before watching if you like...
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Wordy Puzzle Blog

25 Feb 2016
100 Hat Riddle Interview Question Solution
A riddle or lateral thinking puzzle that has existed in a variety of guises for a long period of time has recently been featured in the news, both because it is initially baffling but also because there have been reports of some companies using this...Continue Reading>>

29 Jul 2015
New Fun Games Added Today
You told us you wanted more word games, so we listened! Today and yesterday mark the start of two new fun games in the words section - and as with all the fun games here at Wordy Puzzle, they are completely free to play for all members. The games...Continue Reading>>

28 Jul 2015
Wordwheel Player Update
We hope you are all enjoying playing the great range of puzzles we have available online here at Wordy Puzzle. We just wanted to let you know that we have implemented the most common piece of feedback we have received, which is to do with the...Continue Reading>>

28 Jun 2015
Writing A Themed Kriss Kross Puzzle
Writing a themed puzzle is generally more difficult than writing a non-themed puzzle. This is usually because there are relatively few words on a theme, and therefore this will restrict the options for the particular puzzle type you are creating. This...Continue Reading>>